What we do

Product concepting and development

  • Create useful, delightful, innovative products
  • Engage genius talent – yours and ours
  • Inquire and experiment
  • Apply known techniques to purposes not-yet-known
  • Collaborate as a product design community 
  • Promote bright ideas
  • Solve real problems to enhance life

David Linn

Product licencing

Get access to great ideas, & the edge over competitors, through open innovation

Design consulting

Break through design blocks, brainstorm new products, & build team creativity


Refine & expand your product ideas, & build your creative determination 

Why wonder?

Because it's the key to innovation

Only when we are attuned to and notice those little glitches in our experience, and wonder at them as we might at something spectacular - only then may we engage our curiosity.

What pattern explains this phenomena?

What else does the pattern account for?

How might we use this pattern for some cool purpose? 

In what other domains does this pattern apply?





Pattern seeking

Solution finding


Who we are

Jeff Goldsmith

Founder & Design Lead 

Wednesday Deemus

Operations Lead & Designer 

Andy Hartzell

Ideation Coach & Designer

How we work

Open innovation

Our core business is the licensing of product concepts to companies with the resources to manufacture and distribute the product as their own branded offering. Our products, in most cases, have been developed to the working prototype stage. The licensee may go on to develop them further to assure manufacturability, and a solid fit to their brand.

This licensing process is known as “open innovation”, and is a means by which companies can expand their access to great ideas. They increase their competitive edge by being open to external design studios to augment their in-house design teams.

David Linn



Product design consulting

Wonderlabs design consulting may be an effective way for your team to break through design problems that have resisted solution, or to brainstorm potential new products and product lines.  We take deep pride in developing and supporting the creativity of our own growing collective of designers, and we will bring that same uplifting, collaborative spirit to our engagement with your team.

David Linn






participants in collective


Concepts in queue



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries,
is not 'Eureka!' but

 ' T h a t ' s   f u n n y . . . '

Isaac Asimov